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Living life to the max

My life, my decisions, or the importance of asking "why?".

Girls can't do that

Right from a young age onwards I never really fit in, because I dared to question when someone said “girls are too stupid for that”, “you can either be good at languages ​​or natural sciences” and similar. And then impressively refuted them. “Why” and “Why not” were my daily companions.

And that’s what’s been running through my life like a thread, and every person doubting me, every “it won’t work anyway” statement is what fires me up to show it to the doubters and naysayers.

First woman worldwide

This pattern continued at university. Women at the geological survey in Australia – reply from the Australian geological survey: “What should we do with a woman? We’ll only take her if we’re forced to, and then only for the laboratory”. Just you wait, I’ll show you.

The next thing was my professor’s verdict that as a geologist/palaeontologist I had no chance of getting a job in seismic. Just you wait, I’ll show you.

And I did. Fresh out of uni, I started working as a QC/geophysicist in seismic as the first and at the time only woman in the world. That meant that I worked in a crew in a remote location in Morocco, 299 men and I. It was great and right up my alley.

Since then I have mostly been the only woman among men. And I quite enjoy that.

As a geologist/palaeontologist by degree, I have worked as a geophyisicst for most of it and have thus far lived and worked in 18 different countries around the world.

And I happen to speak 8 different languages.

Becoming pro just for fun - and all on the side

As on the one hand I get bored easily, and on the other hand I don’t want large parts of my brain to go unused, because a specific activity naturally only activates the same part of the brain, I started writing plays.

In the beginning it was really just because I love theatre and always have lots of ideas for stories and just wanted to see whether I could do it, write plays.

As it turned out, I can. Right at the beginning, it gave me my very own James Bond moment when a panel of experts analyzing my first play said to me, “England needs you”. Nice. 🙂

Subsequently, monologues and plays of mine have been performed on stage in London.

My next experiment was to start acting. Initially only because I thought it might be helpful to experience plays from the perspective of the actor.

As it turned out, I wasn’t entirely untalented, and have been acting on stage in London regularly ever since.

Analogue photography has accompanied me since my childhood, and I have always photographed professionally for fun, e.g. at Fashion Week in London, even though photographing  people never really fascinated me. My thing have always been animals, nature and architecture. Fashion Week was just another experiment.

I love experiments 🙂

My greatest passion for as long as I can remember, however, are horses. So it was only a question of time before I started working in that field as well. I have been helping horses worldwide since 2015 and am a holistic horse health expert and equine rehabilitation trainer.

What was originally only intended for me and my horses, so that I could be more independent from veterinarians, had developed a life of its own.

90% of the horses that come to me for treatment have been given up on by just about everyone else as a hopeless case. So far it has always been possible to turn things around for them. And that’s great fun.

Coach, mentor, speaker - unplanned things happen frequently

Because of all this I got asked how I do it all the time. How did I achieve all this in my life? What is it you’re doing that I’m not doing?

Perhaps you’re wondering the same thing by now. Well, that is precisely what led me to becoming a coach. Because even though for me this all came naturally, I also always noticed where other people are different to me, where they make decisions that don’t make any sense to me, because they lead them away from what they say they want. 

Over the years I have thus, completely unplanned, helped various people overcome their shadows and they are now living the lives they always dreamt of living. Which gives me immense pleasure to see that, because I firmly believe that everyone deserves to live a happy life and that this is achievable for anyone and everyone. 

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